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Become a Community Member

Why donate to Drug Science?

Our Community Members allow us to do what we do best, present evidence-based information free from commercial bias. If you become a monthly supporter, you help support the dissemination of rigorous and data-driven information about drugs, informing people about the harms and healing potential of psychoactive substances and much more.

Misinformation about drugs has plagued society since the dawn of time, but over the past 50 years, it’s been more insidious than ever. Drug Science vehemently believes in the intrinsic value of providing evidence-based information relating to drugs.

One of our key functions is to educate medical professionals, policymakers and anyone interested in neuropsychopharmacology about the relative harms of various substances and their ability to heal. To do this, we must provide accurate and unbiased information and we are only able to do this, through your donations.

David Nutt in a laboratory

Supporting Member

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  • Free access to all Drug Science events

Premium Member

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  • Free access to all Drug Science events

  • A signed copy of our latest book, ‘Drug Science & British Drug Policy’

Philanthropic Member

Join the Drug Science Community to
receive the benefits below!




  • Free access to all Drug Science events

  • A signed copy of our latest book, ‘Drug Science & British Drug Policy’

  • An exclusive invitation to our annual House of Lords evening reception

A group picture of the drug science team at an event

How we use your donations

Currently spanning 39 entries, our drug information pages are expansive and cover some of the most widely used drugs in modern society. However, there are many more substances that we want to highlight. We want to expand these pages to become a trusted encyclopaedia for honest, science-based drug information - with new entries and videos to bring the content to life.

Help support us to make more episodes of the Drug Science Podcast. Professor David Nutt has been recording the show over the past 3 years with some of the world's leading experts in drug science, policy and law. We want to continue producing the show that you love and in 2023, we will be hosting live podcast events open to Community Members and supporters.

This academic year, we will surpass an incredible 20 events, from in-person book launches and university lectures to our annual Student Psychedelic Conference and free Street Drugs Discussions webinar series. In the year ahead, we will continue bringing the Drug Science mission to different parts of the UK, with all events free to attend for our community members.

We have 21 educational modules, all completely free to download and we’re not stopping there. We want to create more resources, aimed at helping healthcare professionals, students and young adults to learn the facts when it comes to drugs. It’s time we gave drug education a makeover! By supporting Drug Science you are helping to disseminate free, evidence-based information.

With university societies from all around the world, the Drug Science Student Society Network is bigger than ever. But we’re only just getting started. Our ambition is to engage more closely during Freshers Weeks and throughout the year, supporting students and their respective societies with resources and information about drug science and how they can help us beat the stigma about drugs with science!

Professor David Nutt has published over 35 books in his long career and it doesn't seem like he will be slowing down any time soon. Drug Science is committed to supporting the dissemination of these books, as well as adding to the list with new releases, plus launch events to celebrate with our community! We have published books on drug policy, cannabis, psychedelics and much more.

More ways than ever to contribute to Drug Science 

Please take a look at the two new ways in which you can help support objective scientific research into drugs and drug policy 

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