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T21 - Prescribers

  • Any doctor on GMC Specialist Register can prescribe medical cannabis – this is usually a hospital consultant.


    GPs can prescribe under shared care arrangements under the direction of a specialist. With that in mind, the T21 team is actively helping to link up GPs who are interested in supporting the prescribing of medical cannabis with experienced clinicians who are already prescribing. As we see an increasing number of patients wishing to join the project, there is a growing need for GP support. Our hope is that, by training up more GPs in how to prescribe medical cannabis with the support of private clinicians, we can encourage policy change to allow GPs to prescribe independently in the future.

  • Our formulary consists of flower and oil products from our T21 licensed-producers – we will share this with you when you join the project as a prescriber. We ask that you prioritise prescribing products from our formulary, as only the products on our formulary are set at T21 prices. However, you are free to prescribe off-formulary if you feel it is necessary and specify the reason at the point of prescribing.

  • Simply download our ‘How to Get Started. Then email and a member of the T21 team will contact you to discuss the best way for you to come on board. If you’re a specialist consultant, GP, prescribing nurse or prescribing pharmacist, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

  • Before commencing any training with us, we will ask you to sign a Memorandum of Understanding, to confirm that you are happy to adhere to our processes. You will then be asked to read the Project Protocol and T21 Formulary provided in our ‘How to get started’ pack sent to all new prescribers on the project.

    Drug Science cannot give any advice on dosage or how to prescribe, but we recommend the following training:

    Once you are confirmed as a prescriber with the project, we will setup an online meeting with you to train you in how to use our data collection system, Sail. This only takes about 15 mins to complete, and you will receive a demo video and step-by-step manual to refer back to.


    Potential T21 prescribers get free access to the live online training with Prof. Mike Barnes. To get the discount code please email to learn more about T21 and receive your promo code.

    • Drug Science: Please email to speak to a member of the Drug Science T21 team about coming on board T21 as a prescriber.

    • Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society: We work closely with the MCCS to ensure clinicians have sufficient tools at their disposal to confidently prescribe and share their knowledge. We urge you to stay up-to-date with the MCCS educational resources and FAQs for all the latest on prescribing medical cannabis.

    • Primary Care Cannabis Network: A community platform and educational tool for GPs who are interested in learning about cannabis-based medical treatments and how these may serve the needs of patients.  

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