At Drug Science we like to cover different topics relating to drugs. These topics cover the many different ways that psychoactive substances have an impact on our culture and society.
How can we prepare psychiatry for a psychedelic future?
Psilocybin shows promise in supporting symptoms of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Psilocybin for Existential Distress
Psilocybin for Existential Distress - the UK needs to show some compassion
Cost-effectiveness of psilocybin-assisted therapy for severe depression: exploratory findings from a decision analytic model
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the use of psilocybin by veterans with symptoms of trauma
Legal psilocybin prescriptions in Canada
Psilocybin Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression
2. Psilocybin Pharmacology
1. Psilocybin History & Law
6. Cannabis Pharmacology
Can psilocybin be safely administered under medical supervision? A systematic review of adverse event reporting in clinical trials
Ask the experts: Psilocybin and MDMA Research
The World's Biggest Placebo-Controlled Microdosing Study
YouGov Results - Is the UK Ready to Reschedule Psilocybin?
Psilocybin Treatment for Depression - Clinical Insights
Psilocybin Treatment for Depression - Patient Perspective
Psychedelic Microdosing - Just a Placebo Effect?
2020 - The Year Of The Mushroom
What psilocybin taught me about living and dying
Clinical Insights - Psilocybin for Anorexia Nervosa