At Drug Science we like to cover different topics relating to drugs. These topics cover the many different ways that psychoactive substances have an impact on our culture and society.
Doubt it not, MDMA is a medicine
Was ketamine the cause of Matthew Perry’s death?
Today’s ban on 'laughing gas' is wrong - Prof David Nutt
Bayesian analysis of real-world data as evidence for drug approval: Remembering Sir Michael Rawlins
Prof Nutt awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award by the BAP
“Are they simply scared of cannabis?”
No Laughing Matter: The Nonsense Plan to Criminalise Nitrous Oxide
Three weeks down under: My Mind Medicine Australia Psychedelic Lecture Tour
Response to Bertha Madras editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine
The Drug Enforcement Agency listens to psychedelic experts
Why doctors have a moral imperative to prescribe and support medical cannabis—an essay by David Nutt
Brain and Mind Made Simple - Prof David Nutt
Interview with David Nutt and Jan Ramaekers
Drug Testing and Synthetic Cannabis in Prisons
David Nutt on Alcohol as a Drug
Letter of recommendation to the ACMD
Professor David Nutt: Back to the Future - Resurrecting Psychedelics in Psychiatry
An unholy triangle? Evidence, politics and uncertainty in drug policy
When we waken from the COVID nightmare – what then?
Drug Science and COVID-19
Groundhog decade not brave new world